Play and the Power of Time Off

Play and the Power of Time Off

A dear friend of mine shared a link to this talk a few weeks ago: Stefan Sagmeister, The Power of Time Off. She was fresh off what we will call a “break-up” with the hard-core and cutthroat beauty industry. This was someone who had worked for me years ago, and when we...
Introducing TEDxNavesink 2014 presenter, Peter Gray

Introducing TEDxNavesink 2014 presenter, Peter Gray

When Peter Gray’s son was in the 4th grade, it became clear that the standard public school environment was not supporting his growth and creativity.   He had been rebelling from kindergarten on, doing his assignments but in the opposite way that teacher’s requested. ...
TEDxNavesink: I’ve Got an Idea!

TEDxNavesink: I’ve Got an Idea!

Storytelling and sharing ideas are in our DNA. From cave paintings to Instagram, we are compelled to broadcast our ideas into the ether, to make a record of our stories, to leave a mark with our unique perspectives. It’s a compulsion. Our social media sharing (and...