The TEDxAsburyPark Blog

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From exclusive interviews with TEDxAsburyPark speakers and alumni, to details on upcoming events and performers, check out all the news and ideas our blog has to offer.

Don’t Be A Spectator – Chris Powell

Don’t Be A Spectator – Chris Powell

What are some things that come to mind when you hear the word passion? Drive, hard work, or determination? Some people know what their passion is early--in their formative years, while others hit 50...

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Wear Your Passion

Wear Your Passion

Looking for an easy, stylish, and affordable way to support TEDxAsbury Park? For the first time in 6 years, TEDxAsburyPark is selling limited edition t-shirts! At just $20, each shirt includes a...

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The Language of Passion

The Language of Passion

“Human beings are not constructed from silence but through language,” expressed John Gavin White, one of the eighteen auditioners who articulated their ideas of passion at the second Live Audition...

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Behind the Logo: Mike Quon, Quon Design LLC

Behind the Logo: Mike Quon, Quon Design LLC

There’s a basic need to have passion in our lives because passion is a driving force to inspire, motivate, and ignite a life worth living. Mike Quon, the creator of TEDxAsburyPark’s logo, found his...

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About TEDxAsburyPark

TEDxAsburyPark is the largest, highest-rated TEDx conference on the east coast.

This independent TEDx event is operated under license from TED.